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Solano County MOAA
Solano County MOAA
By Laws

Solano Chaper Bylaws - click on PDF to right


Article I NAME

Section 1. The name ofthis organization shall be Solano County Chapter of Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), hereinafter referred to as the chapter.


Section 1. The chapter's purposes shall be to:
A. Promote the mission, goals and objectives ofMilitary Officers Association of America.
B. Foster fraternal relations among active retired and former commissioned and warrant officers of the uniformed services and their reserve components.
C. To provide useful services for members, their dependents and smvivors and to serve the community, Solano County and the nation.


Section 1. The chapter shall be a non-profit organization operated exclusively for the purposes
specified in A1ticle II above.

Section 2. Officers, directors and appointed officials shall not receive any compensation for their services. The executive board may authorize reimbursements of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

Section 3. Nothing herein shall constitute members ofthe Chapter as pa1tners for any purpose. No member, officer or agent of the Chapter shall be liable for the acts or failure to act on the pa1t ofany member, officer or agent. Nor shall any member, officer or agent be liable for acts or failure to act under these bylaws, excepting only acts or failure to act arising out ofwillful malfeasance or misfeasance

Section 4. The chapter shall use its funds only to accomplish the purposes specified in A1ticle II above. No part of said funds shall be distributed to members.

Section 5. In the event ofdissolution ofthe chapter, and after discharge ofall its liabilities the remaining assets shall be contributed to a non-profit organization with purposes and objectives similar to those ofthe chapter. The organization shall be designated by a majority vote of the executive board.


Section 1 The chapter membership shall be three classes:

A. Regular Members. Men and women who are or have been federally commissioned or warrant officers in one of the seven U.S uniformed services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Public Health Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) or the reserve forces or National Guard.

B. Auxiliary Members. A widow or widower ofa deceased regular member or of a deceased individual, who if living, would have been eligible for membership

C. Honorary Members. The executive board shall be empowered to grant honorary membership to an individual(s), in recognition of exemplary service to the chapter. Majority vote ofthe executive board is required for granting honorary status. An honorary member shall be entitled to all of the privileges of membership except those of making motions, voting or holding office.

Section 2: Applications for regular or auxiliary membership shall be presented in writing. Applicants who meet association criteria may be approved by the VP-Membership. The executive board may drop any member for good and sufficient cause. The member shall be notified in writing and shall have the right to appeal for reinstatement. The appeal must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors within 30 days of receipt of notice by the member.

Section 3. Regular chapter and auxiliary members are encouraged to retain membership in the
National Association.

Article V VOTING

Section 1. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, all issues requiring membership
consensus and brought before the membership at the annual meeting shall be decided by a simple
majority vote ofeligible voting members present.

Section 2 Only regular and auxiliary members in good standing and actually present at a chapter
meeting when a matter requiring a vote is presented shall be entitled to vote.

Section 3. Proxy voting shall not be permitted.

Article VI DUES

Section 1. The board of directors may recommend the cost for annual dues. However, regular and auxilia1y membership dues for the next calendar year shall be determined by majority vote of members, eligible to vote, attending the annual business meeting.

Section 2. The annual dues shall be $20 for regular members and $9 for auxiliary members. Dues shall be payable on Janua1y 1 ofeach year for the ensuing fiscal year.

Section 3. On or before March l51 the treasurer shall give individual notice to each member whose dues remain unpaid. Members whose dues remain unpaid as ofApril 30111 shall, by order of the executive committee, be dropped from membership in the chapter.

Section 4. Any member who has been dropped for non-payment ofdues may be reinstated upon re-application for membership, payment ofannual dues for the cmTent year and approval by the executive board.


Section I. Each month, January through December, with the exception ofJuly and August, the chapter shall meet at such time and place as announced by the executive board.

Section 2. The nominating committee shall present the list of individuals nominated for elective
officer at the October regular chapter meeting. Additional nominations from the floor will be

Section 3. The regular meeting in November shall be the annual chapter business meeting.
Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs shall tender their annual reports: annual dues for the
next calendar year wi 11 be established; election ofOfficers and Directors for the next year wi 11 be
announced and transaction of other pertinent business matters will be transacted.

Section 4. Matters presented to the general membership for approval shall be considered
approved by a vote ofthe majority ofthe eligible voting members present.

Article VIII Executive Board

Section 1. The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected officers: President; 151 Vice
President, Membership; 211d Vice President, Programs; Secretary; Treasurer; elected Directors and
the immediate Past President.

Section 2. Any Board Member who misses three consecutive Board meetings without prior notice or justifiable reason (e.g. emergency or illness) may be dropped as a Board Member by majority vote ofthe other pa1ticipating board Members.

Section 3. There shall be a minimum offive elected directors, each elected for staggered two­
year terms.

Section 4. The executive board shall have supervision, control and direction ofthe affairs of the Chapter; determine its policies or changes therein within the limits ofthe Bylaws; actively promote its purposes and have discretion in the disbursement of funds. The board may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as may be deemed advisable and may, in the execution of the powers granted, appoint such agents as it may consider necessa1y.

Section 5. The board shall meet upon the call ofthe President at such times and places as may be designated and shall be called to meet upon demand of a majority of its members.

Section 6. The board of directors, subject to the approval ofthe membership, shall be authorized to adopt resolutions or to establish position in the name ofthe Chapter.

Section 7. A majority ofthe entire Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting ofthe board.

Section 8. All questions coming before the board shall be decided by a majority vote, with each member of the board present being entitled to one vote. Proxy voting shall not be permitted.


Section 1. The elected officers shall be a President, who shall have served on the executive board for a least one year prior to being elected to the office of President, , a l st Vice President ­Membership, a 2nd Vice President -Programs, a Secreta1y, and a Treasurer, each ofwhom shall be a regular or auxiliary member of the chapter. The Immediate Past President shall also be a member ofthe executive board and shall have voting privileges.

Section 2. Each elective officer shall take office at the December chapter meeting and shall serve
for a term ofone or two years and/or until a successor is duly elected and installed. No member
shall be eligible to serve as President more than two consecutive one year terms. No limits shall
apply to other officers and directors.

Section 3. A vacancy in the office ofthe President shall automatically be filled by the 1st Vice
President. A vacancy in the office ofthe 1sr Vice President shall be automatically filled by the 211d
Vice President. Vacancies in other offices shall be as the Board of Directors may decide.

Section 4. The President shall be the chief elected officer of the Chapter, shall preside at meetings ofthe Chapter and the Board ofdirectors and shall be a member ex-officio, with the right to vote, ofall committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall also preside at the regular meetings and at such other times as deemed proper, communicate to the Chapter or to the Board of Directors information or proposals to help in achieving the purposes of the Chapter.

Section 5. In the event ofthe President's tempora1y disability or absence, the 1st Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. In the event ofthe tempora1y disability or absence of both the President and the 1s1 Vice President, the 211d Vice President shall perform the duties ofthe President.

Section 6. The Secretary shall provide timely written notification ofall meetings of the executive
board, maintain a record of Chapter and Board proceedings, prepare such correspondence as
required, maintain the chapter's correspondence files and provide safekeeping for all important
documents, correspondence and records belonging to the chapter. The secretary shall perform
such other duties as are commensurate with the office or as might be assigned by the President or
board of directors.

Section 7. The Ist Vice President-Membership chairs the membership committee, and shall conduct a program designed to obtain new members for the chapter and to retain members subject to being dropped for non-payment of dues. The membership committee, maintains the membership roster and publishes the bi-annual Membership Directory.

Section 8. The 2"d Vice President-Programs is responsible for planning and coordinating chapter events subject to the approval of the executive board. The officer shall secure a meeting place for chapter meetings a year in advance, and secure a meeting place for chapter luncheons/dinners as required. Included in the responsibilities of the 2"d Vice President is program structure and the acquisition and scheduling of guest speakers.

Section 9. The Treasurer shall maintain a record ofall sums received and expended by the Chapter; collect and deposit annual dues ; make such disbursements as authorized by the chapter budget or the executive board; and present a financial report at the annual business meeting or when called upon by the President. Funds may be drawn from the account in the financial institution only upon the signature ofthe treasurer. The funds, books and vouchers in the custody of the treasurer shall at all times be subject to inspection and verification by the board of directors. Prior to assumption of office by an incoming treasurer the financial records shall be subject to audit by a Special Committee appointed by the executive board. The treasurer will have no vote in selecting committee members appointed to conduct the audit.


Section 1. The President, subject to the executive board approval, shall annually appoint standing and special committees such as may be required by the Bylaws or may be advisable.

Section 2. Standing and specials committees ofthe Chapter may include Membership, Legislative, Public Relations, Personal Affairs, Audit, Budget, Scholarship, nominating, Newsletter Editor, Provost Marshall, Hospitality/Sunshine, Chapter historian, representatives to David Grant Medical Center, Retired Affairs Officer, and Travis Officers' Club Adviso1y Board.

Section 3. A Nominating Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President and comprised of no less than 4 chapter members will be appointed in August and present to the secretary, at the September board meeting the list of nominees for elective officer. The secreta1y will present the list to the membership at the October meeting and open for additional nominees from the floor. Election of officers will be conducted at the November chapter meeting with installation ofthe new Executive Board at the December meeting.

Section 4. The Budget committee shall meet in November to formulate a budget projecting
income/expenses for the forthcoming year. The proposed budget shall be presented to the board
ofdirectors no later than the December board ofdirectors meeting. The budget shall become
effective on Januaiy 1.

Section 5. The Audit committee shall audit the Treasurer's accounts and records and submit a
findings to the executive board no later than the Januruy board meeting.


Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered by a two-thirds vote at any duly organized meeting ofthe Chapter, provided that a copy ofthe amendment(s) proposed for consideration is/are available for review by membership at least 30 days before the meeting

Article XII The Flag

Section l. The American flag shall be displayed and honored at all chapter meetings.

Article XIII Chapter Newsletter

Section 1. Any material articles that would indicate the chapter's endorsement of any political or religious organization or political candidate will not be published in the Chapter's Newsletter

Article XIV Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. The current edition of "Robert's Rules ofOrder', will be used as a guide for all business ofthe Chapter.

Attested to 1 August 20 I 1 



[x]  Lynn E. Snyder, President                                [x]  Earline Murray, Secretary

Solano County MOAA

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